Saying 'Hallelujah' To Hair Oil

After many years of bleaching and dyeing my hair, it’s fair to say it has taken it’s toll, and the ends in particular have seen better days!
So I was delighted when I received an email from Emily, founder of Forest & Shore to see if I’d to try their first product as it launched – their Hallelujah hair oil, as we were moving into colder climes it couldn’t have come at a better time.

All the ingredients in the hair oil are 100% natural and all geared towards moisturising and repairing dry and damaged hair. Some of the essential oils include coconut, rosemary, and lavender – so you can imagine how good this smells! I love how all the ingredients have been chosen based on their benefits for the hair too.

Forest & Shore say;

• MOISTURISING - The coconut, sesame and olive blend penetrates deep into the hair shaft working to efficiently hydrate dry hair.
• REPAIRING - Working from the inside out to heal any damaged, broken hair. Nourishing your hair with organic oils will restore the shine and promote silky hair.
• STIMULATES HAIR GROWTH - Coconut and sesame work together to lock in proteins to encourage hair growth.
• PROTECTING - Effective protection from harmful UV rays and heat, such as straighteners and hair dryers.
• 100% NATURAL & ORGANIC -Soil Association Certified Organic. Made with the highest quality ingredients in England.

The oil can be used in two ways, as a post wash on damp hair (2-5 drops) or used as an overnight treatment (2-3 full pipettes) - the latter I was most intrigued by as I have never used an oil in this way before.
Used either way, the oil leaves my hair soft, silky and healthy!

The packaging is very sleek, minimal and simple which compliments the product in every way.

I would highly recommend this hair oil, I love the way my hair feels, looks and smells after I have used it.

It’s priced at £14.99 and available to purchase, here.

I’d like to finish by saying a huge thankyou to the lovely Emily for being kind enough to send this to me, and I hope this is the first of many products that Forest & Shore launch.

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